Thursday, November 27, 2014

PLR Your Way =

 Working in a hurry today...Turkey Day.  Needed a quick give away for

something I am promoting. 
Hard drive is loaded, but I wanted something different. 
Click the link below to find out where I went and got a terrific ebook for free,

all PLR so I can use it how I want! 

PLR Your Way =

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Review: Build A Blog Community =

Review: Build A Blog Community =

Adrienne Smith has just released her long awaited Program,
Build a Blog Community.  She has worked diligently for over a year

to perfect her offering.

Her own description is that she is teaching you what she has used

to become a Blogging Queen. 
Check it out on this Review Page  read more

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Review: Build A Blog Community =

Review: Build A Blog Community =

Need Help

If you have ever visited Adrienne Smith's Blog and stayed to read,

you know she is devoted to helping everyone she meets.

Adrienne Smith is loaded with articles covering anything to do with blogging, from 

  • writing content,
  • keeping up your site security,
  • or even articles from experts about their specialty,
  • monetizing your blog,
  • creating a welcoming enviroment for your subscribers
  •  or even managing your blog hosting company.

 Problems Galore!

Trials and tribulations, successes and failures (not many of these) are all laid out in

their glory and discussed with enthusiasm. 

What is even more amazing is the number of people who line up to put in their own two cents worth on each and every topic. 

Ever wonder how this amazing blogger does it? 

Well, she is coming clean.  

Released today is her First Editon of I'm sure it won't be the last.  There is a special price for a few days, so

if you would like to save a little money and get your feet planted on the path to

creating or improving your own blog...the link is up there on the picture!

I've been acquainted with Adrienne longer than I thought.  She is a very generous person

with her advice and suggestions.  If she comes by to comment in response to a

comment you have left on her blog..if something is wrong she will find a way to let you know.

Now that is what a real friend
and a real blogger does.  Just because you are both bloggers, doesn't
mean that you are no longer human and not concerned because a fellow
blogger has a problem, even if as some like to think,
"don't help the competition." 

Adrienne firmly believes we are all
in this together, so All I can say is this:   Need help with blogging
and building a blog community of like minded bloggers?

Then check out what is on offer.  You can't go Wrong with Adrienne Smith.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

25 Social Media Images

25 Social Media Images =

The actual JPGs are 403 pixels wide.

How can you use these images?

What makes Facebook an Pinterest and the other sites fun is all the engagement. You hear from old friends, colleagues and business associates.
Use these images to generate conversations.
Upload the image to Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, your own blog and or any platforms where you’ll find your audience and start talking about the image and the concept behind it.
And if you’d like to change the conversation a bit, check out the 100 images on the next page that you’ll be able to edit.
Enjoy these. And start a conversation today.
Below are all the images, but at a reduced size. The actual images are at the Facebook optimized size of 403 pixels wide.
After clicking the download link for the images, you’ll be taken to a cart where you input your information. There’s no credit card required or requested. And if you have an account already, just login on that page to continue the process.
 Go Here to get the Images:    Download

Friday, October 31, 2014

Grid Evolution | If Websites are Artifical Intelligence on The Grid


Amazing Offer for Founders.  Managed Cloud Hosting for only

$8.00 a month for 7 of your domains....A Perk for becoming a Founder.

Friday, September 19, 2014

BloggBuddy Review how to use Content SEO BloggBuddy SocialMedia Review

This Works!   You won't believe what one reviewer showed as results

in 90 days from using this Simple WordPress Plugin.

No Cron jobs either.   Install and use...that simple.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Keyword for your Headlines in less that a Minute!

Keywords in a Minute =

What you need to know if you are a blogger, trying to use adsense or any other program to
make money online.  You need the keywords.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Leverage, Good or Bad we use the Word

Leverage =

What is Leverage

Leverage:  Influence or Power to Achieve a Desired Result.


Currently Leverage as a word is ranked by Merriman-Webster online Dictionary as in the top 10% of words searched for.

I have a roadblock in my mind for the word Leverage! 

I see it in the title of an article, as a verb used to "leverage something" and my thoughts become diverted.  

I can no longer focus on what is being "leveraged"  but on what are they attempting to do and how are they going to do it? 

For example, I was happily reading
along, immerced in an article about different sources of website traffic
including  using a Social Site... eg> a Facebook Fan page to extend
the reach of and create some traffic for your blog. 

Instead of even giving as much
information as I did in the above sentence, the author just stated
leverage your blog with Facebook. What?????

So what am I supposed to do?  Well,
if I grab a great big stick, prop it on a big rock and insert the other
end under my blog...can I use this lever to move my site up in Search
Engine Results?   Put it high enough on the hill to be seen? 

Leverage got listed in 1957 but the first known use of the word was in 1830 and it still retains two major meanings. 

On the one hand, since I grew upon a
rural farm I am very familiar with the mechanical lever, from which I'm
sure that today's modern  leverage was born.

One major use of it is as a noun meaning:

: influence or power used to achieve a desired result

: the increase in force gained by using a lever
After reading to the bottom of this definition, I know why I have such a confused reaction when it comes to the word Leverage. 
There are some very negative connotations listed as related words and synonyms  for leverage.
 Full Definition of LEVERAGE
includes two major entries: one for the mechanical and the other for
the concept or thought of using non tatcial levers to influence 
:  the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it
:  power, effectiveness <trying to gain more political leverage>
:  the use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity

Now they've inserted another do with financing the purchase of stocks or whatever for invetment purposese.

Examples of LEVERAGE

  1. The union's size gave it leverage in the labor contract negotiations.
  2. The player's popularity has given him a great deal of leverage with the owners of the team.
  3. I used the leverage of the bar and a wooden block to pry the rock out of the hole.

Related to LEVERAGE

authority, clout, credit, heft, in, juice [slang], influence, pull, sway, weight
leveraged  leverag·ing

Full Definition of LEVERAGE

:  to provide (as a corporation) or supplement (as money) with leverage; also :  to enhance as if by supplying with financial leverage
:  to use for gain :  exploit <shamelessly leverage the system to their advantage — Alexander Wolff>

Examples of LEVERAGE

  1. The company wants to leverage its brands more effectively.
  2. <a reality show contestant who's trying to leverage her 15 minutes of fame>

Related to LEVERAGE

abuse, capitalize (on), cash in (on), impose (on or upon), exploit, milk, pimp, play (on or upon), use, work
Related Words
jerk around, manipulate, mistreat; bleed, cheat, fleece, overcharge, skin, soak, stick; commercialize, commodify

So what does all this dictionary gibberish have to do with anything related to marketing?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Google Plus How To Do It Check it out on

 John Thornhill said he was going through the course to correct his knowledge deficit about
Google Plus...Another Sue Worthington Golden Course!.

Google Plus How To Do It =

Friday, January 17, 2014

Turn Your Videos Viral Links inside videos Share with Twitter and Facebook

Turn Your Videos Viral =

With ViralVideo, you can viralize a video in under a minute.
All you have to do is to paste the video URL, add the message you want to be tweeted and copy the code to add the video to your site or blog!
ViralVideo also comes with an advertising program so you can show your ads on people's video pages, as well as an affiliate program with 60% commissions!
You also get access to video statistics so you can see how well your videos perform.
ViralVideo is a must-have tool for everyone using videos as marketing materials... which is pretty much everyone in the online marketing industry.
Imagine your videos turning viral and being viewed by hundreds or even thousands more people by performing a task that takes no more than a minute!
What are you waiting for?